/// COMBO ///
Mixed techniq on canvas.
Size 40x40cm.
Certificate of authenticity.
/// Biographie de COMBO ///
Combo was born to a Lebanese Christian father and a Moroccan Muslim mother. He grew up in the south of France before settling in Paris in 2010. He was artistic director of an advertising agency until 2012. In April of the same year, he entered the Chernobyl prohibited zone to stick up real advertising posters promoting nuclear energy in order to celebrate the first Fukushima accident. In January 2013, he took to the streets of Hong Kong and pasted Google pages censored by the party. He also does not hesitate to demonstrate against the arrest of the artist Ai Weiwei. April 2013, he moved to rue des Petits Carreaux and stuck up a portrait of Master Yoda with a mustache ten meters high. On January 30, 2015, Combo was attacked by four young people while he was finishing the reproduction of the artist Piotr Mlodozeniek with the Coexist logo. From January to March 2016, he exhibited at the Arab World Institute as part of the Coexist exhibition in memory of the major republican marches which took place in 2015. From 2017, with other artists, he stuck on the electoral signs parody images of the official posters of the candidates. The objective is to disturb, to provoke, but above all to make people think.